PCMFlash dongle + module activation

You must send us saved “question_VD_VIKU_xxxxx.txt” in email attachment to es@scanmatik.pro, specify following registration information:
- Dongle Serial Number (found on dongle)
- Your Email
- Your Name AND Order number


The USB-dongle must be plugged in only after the drivers have been installed. If the dongle was plugged in before the driver installation and the standard windows installation wizard for USB-devices was run, unplug the dongle and exit the windows installation wizard.

1. Install Guardant driver selecting the correct one for your operating system installed on your PC:  
2. If needed, reboot the system.
3. Connect the dongle to the available USB-port.
4. Make sure that the dongle is identified by windows.

Dongle Activation: Before the first use of the dongle it will need to be activated. The process consists of the following steps:

1. Dump creation and sending to the support team. 
Save this dump as a file (press Save)
2. Dongle memory update after receiving an update dump from support.
3. Enter module activation code into PCMFlash application.

Steps 1-2 use the 
GrdTRU.exe application.

This utility functions as a wizard consisting of several pages. You can move from one page to another using Next and Back buttons at the bottom.
Step 3 uses the PCMFlash application.

You can download both software applications here:

1. Update Dump Creation

After the starting the GrdTRU utility you will see the following page where you are to select Start a new dongle remote update session and press Next:

On the next page you will find a generated update dump – a sequence of hex decimal characters containing the dongle information:

You are to save this dump as a file (press Save) and request activation by emailing the file to  es@scanmatik.pro

Please be sure to include ALL the information above and send to the correct email address, or the process will be delayed. You may now close the utility window.

PLEASE NOTE: PCMFlash module activation requests are processed manually. Activation is not instant and not guaranteed outside of business hours! We recommend you activate the dongle as soon as you receive it, and not wait you need to use it!


 2. Dongle Memory Update

You will receive a dongle update file and activation code from support in the following format: Dongle update dump: A text file named something like: ”update_VD_VIKU_xxxxxxxxx_xx_xx_xxxx.txt” (this is used now).

 Module unlock code: A long hex decimal string (this is used in step 3).

The memory update process can now begin: Close all applications and run GrdTRU.exe utility again, where now on the first page you are to select Resume previously started remote update session and press Next.

You will see the page with a blank space for inserting the update file. You can insert the dump pressing Browse (for file) and selecting the file received from support:

After you insert the dump and press Next and the dongle memory will be updated with the new data. Then you will see the last page of the wizard with the operation results as below, you can discard the finalization code (it is not used) and close the application by clicking Finish.


 3. PCMFlash module activation:

Along with the dongle update file, the support team will return you a module unlock code.

Download the latest PCMFlash software here:

Run the installer and then open the PCMFlash application and navigate to the settings page. Copy/paste the code in the field shown below and then press activate.

The dongle and modules are now activated and the software is ready to use.

The initial dongle activation (Steps 1-2) are only necessary on the first installation, for future module activations, only step 3 is required! Furthermore the activation data is stored on the dongle itself, so there is no need to repeat the process on additional machines!