12 module PCMflash (Honda/Acura CAN-bus)
12 module PCMflash (Honda/Acura CAN-bus)
To order the program module you need a USB dongle. If you already have it, you need to give us its serial number, if you don't have it, you need to order it!
An unlimited number of modules can be purchased for one key.
Software module for working with the engine control unit and automatic transmission of Honda/Acura cars via CAN-bus
The module 12 PCM FLASH is designed for which cars and control units:
PGM-FI Generic Read-Only
AT/CVT/DCT Generic Read-Only
Reading, writing, checksum verification.
PGM-FI (Keihin SH7058/1MB)
PGM-FI (Keihin SH72543/2MB)
PGM-FI (Keihin SH72546/3.75MB)
PGM-FI (Keihin MPC5566/3MB)
PGM-FI (Keihin TC1782/2.5MB)
AT/CVT/DCT (Keihin 512KB)
AT/CVT/DCT (Keihin 1MB)
Reading, writing, checksum verification.
PGM-FI (Matsushita SH7058/1MB)
PGM-FI (Matsushita SH72543/2MB)
PGM-FI 2013+ (Matsushita SH72543/2MB)
PGM-FI (Panasonic TC179X/4MB)
AT/CVT/DCT (Matsushita 512KB)
Reading, writing, checksum verification.
PGM-FI (Continental MPC5554/2MB)
Reading, writing, checksum verification.
PGM-FI (Hitachi SH7058/1MB)
PGM-FI (Hitachi SH7059/1.5MB)
PGM-FI (Hitachi SH72543/2MB)
PGM-FI (Hitachi MPC5554/2MB)
Reading, writing, checksum verification.
AT/CVT/DCT (Hitachi SH72531/1280KB)